Learn the basics


SLA Printing Basics Playlist

Fep replacement, How it works, Screen protector, cleaning and much more.


Testing Fire Safety 2021

Before you get a printer, you should know what the safety risks are and how to fix them.


3D Printer Hub Design???

How to compete with octoprint

IF you’re going to compete with octoprint then you should know this first.


Nozzle Change

CR10 V3

Basics of changing a hot end nozzle


Resin Cleaning Alternatives?

Do they work?

What alternatives do you really have for cleaning your resin prints?


Bowden Tube Upgrade

Simplest mod

The most underappreciated upgrade that can save you a bunch of hassle in the future.


BLT Touch Upgrade

Is it worth it?

Is a BLTouch even worth adding your 3D printer?


1.75 to 2.85

Is it worth it?

Should you mod your 3D printer to take the larger 2.85/3 mm filament?

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